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5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR, 97215
United States


Confluence Environmental Center



AmeriCorps Partners

Confluence Project Partners are organizations in the Portland community that collaborate with Confluence to create an AmeriCorps position to advance environmental justice in low income communities and communities of color.  Over the course of their terms of service, AmeriCorps members spend at least 80% of their time with their Project Partner where they gain hands-on skills through the completion of a compelling community-centered project.

Being a Project Partner is an excellent way to serve your community through hands-on mentoring of an emerging leader in the environmental field, creating new pathways to distribute resources, and expand your sense of community.

At Confluence, it’s not just our AmeriCorps members who are giving back to their communities; Project Partners have a huge part to play in identifying needs, strategizing with community members, and building up the tri-county area.

Learn more about being an AmeriCorps Partner and sign up for our email list to be notified when we are announce our Request for Proposals in February. 


Previous Partners