2012-13 AmeriCorps Members Commence
rob loucks
Congratulations to the 2012-13 Confluence AmeriCorps Members!
This year our talented, intelligent and passionate members Served their communities in many ways, here are some figures to show the effect of their work.
- 6,521 hours of professional development
- 3,691 youth educated
- 63% live in a low income community or a community of color
- 89% of youth surveyed learned something new
- 74% of youth surveyed will practice new skills in the future
- 2,529 volunteers engaged in service
- 17,530 volunteer hours
- 88% of volunteers surveyed would volunteer in the future
- 422 outreach activities led by members
- 51% of outreach benefited low income communities and communities of color
- 7,811 adults educated
- 81% of adults surveyed learned something new
- 30,235 trees + shrubs planted
- 91 acres of invasive weeds eradicated
- 117 greenspaces improved
- 69% of greenspaces located in low income communities or communities of color
- 90% of sites monitored show improved watershed health
We're sad to see them go but are glad to know they are out in the world continuing to do great things.