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5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR, 97215
United States


Confluence Environmental Center


Mushrooms are the fruit of fungi

rob loucks

Leah quizing the team about mushroom features

Leah quizing the team about mushroom features

Spring time is morel season!

Unfortunately, we didn't find any on Friday, but we did learn about them.

Marc and Patrick organized an extensive Team Meeting of fungi learning. For instance, did you know that mushrooms are the fruiting body of a fungus? Similar to the apple on a tree and its roots.

Mushrooms growing in a plastic bag full of sawdust

Mushrooms growing in a plastic bag full of sawdust

Nik gave us a deep overview of fungus. Leah shared tons of information about classifying and identifying different mushroom species. Brad gave us some great pointers for mushroom foraging. Travis even taught us how to grow our own!

After enjoying a cup full of Patrick's mushroom soup, we tested our knowledge out on the trails of Tryon Creek State Park. A lucky few even found some slime molds and some edible puffballs.

Bonus knowledge: ALL mushrooms need to be cooked before they're eaten. Word on the street is to saute them with butter.