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5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR, 97215
United States


Confluence Environmental Center


Welcome Elizabeth - Our new program director!

rob loucks

We’re thrilled to welcome Elizabeth Cabral to the Confluence family as our Program Director.

Elizabeth was raised in the Gorge and is the proud daughter of immigrant parents. She earned her Bachelors of Science in Public Health from Portland State University.  Before joining Confluence Environmental Center, Elizabeth worked for six years in active transportation - leading efforts to create safe access to walking, biking and transit in undeserved communities in Portland. Elizabeth brings with her experience at the intersections of transportation, housing and the environment and strong commitment to racial and environmental equity, She hopes to bring her passion and background in equity and culturally responsive programming to the organization and its AmeriCorps members. During her free time she organizes bike rides with Portland based Mujeres en - a local Latina bike group she co-founded 3 years ago to encourage more Latinas to bike. She also enjoys to spending time with her family, visiting the gorge, wine tastings, and exploring new hiking trails in the PNW.