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5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR, 97215
United States


Confluence Environmental Center


We Stand With You

Salma Preppernau

As an organization that strives to advance environmental equity and social & environmental justice, we are deeply saddened by the murder of George Floyd, the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor , and the ongoing harm to the black community in America. In an effort to continue bringing together streams of thought, action, and people to make the environmental movement more robust, inclusive, and effective we want to use this time to support our members and partners of color and center black voices in our community.

As protests continue and as our community fights for change, we will make an effort to amplify the voices of organizations that are POC led and that support and promote people and communities of color. Today we are participating in #blackouttuesday but that doesn’t mean that we’re being silent! This means that today and in the coming days we will be promoting black voices in an effort to stand with the black community in solidarity.

Please take care of yourselves and of each other and please reach out to us if you are looking for resources or support.
